In addition to the record sales in 2011, pretax margins ( including one-time gains) climbed close to 12%& slim for a software maker but robust for the car business. 2011年,大众不仅在销量上创下了纪录,它的税前利润(包括一次性收益)也爬升到将近12%&这个数字对软件商来说有些低,但对汽车行业来说却十分抢眼。
In addition to the analysis report record, the Build Forge job log also provides an analysis report history. 除了分析报表记录,BuildForge工作日志还提供了分析报表历史。
In addition to entering the basic data for that person, we also need to record their salary. 除了输入这个人的基本数据外,我们还需要记录雇员的薪水。
In addition, in the record and playback script you need to find and open each verification point individually to find the search results. 此外,在记录和回放脚本中,您需要分别查找和打开每个验证点以查找搜索结果。
In addition, syslog is often used to record e-mail messages delivery, filesystem issues, and even DHCP leases, DNS issues, and NFS problems. 另外,syslog通常还用于记录电子邮件消息传递、文件系统问题,甚至DHCP租期、DNS问题和NFS问题。
In addition to the syslog, systems also have a variety of service, environment, and application logs that record information about the machine and its operation. 除syslog外,系统还有用来记录关于计算机及其操作信息的各种服务、环境和应用程序日志。
In addition, US super-majors and refiners such as ExxonMobil and Phillips 66 are exporting record quantities of oil products to meet soaring demand for gasoline, diesel and kerosene in Latin America and Africa, lowering the countrys net oil imports. 同时,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等美国超级石油巨头以及Phillips66等炼油企业还在出口创纪录数量的成品油,以满足拉丁美洲与非洲对汽油、柴油和煤油的需求,进一步降低美国的石油净进口量。
In addition, the organization shall assess and record the validity of the previous measuring results when the equipment is found not to conform to requirements. 此外,当发现设备不符合要求时,组织应对以往测量结果的有效性进行评价和记录。
If you work in a variety of forms such as catering, brunch and cocktail parties, can design a mini manual, in addition to record food dishes, guests can also this table cards, seats. 如果你安排了多种形式的餐饮,比如早午餐和鸡尾酒会,不妨设计一份迷你手册,除记录餐饮菜式外,客人还可以此为桌卡,对号入座。
In addition to the storage of the Ming Dynasty in the "Record" and "Faith" and "Yu-dish", but also collections" Yongle Canon "copy and other important files. 明代除储存各朝的“实录”、“圣训”、“玉碟”之外,还收藏《永乐大典》副本和其他重要档案。
In addition to collection of Qing Dynasty "Record"," will be the Qing Code"," Shuo-han strategy" and a copy of the Cabinet have also General Yinxin Tibet. 清代除收藏“实录”外,《大清会典》、《朔汉方略》内阁副本以至将军印信也都曾入藏。
In addition, for facilitating the operation of matches, several timekeepers, caller announcers, record keepers, and score supervisors shall be appointed. 为使比赛顺利进行,将指定计时员、分员、录员数名和分数监督员。
In addition, the Cancel button displayed when a record is in edit or insert mode can be shown or hidden by setting the showcancelbutton property. 此外,通过设置showcancelbutton属性,可以显示或隐藏在记录处于编辑或插入模式时显示的“取消”按钮。
A total accumulated for control purposes when handling records by the addition of specific fields of each record, although the total itself has no particular sense or meaning; 在处理记录时,为管理的目的而将每个记录的指定字段累加起来所得到的一种总和。
In addition, Beijing intends to blacklist companies with a record of intellectual property rights infringement or counterfeiting and hand the data over to banks. 此外,北京方面还有意将曾经侵犯知识产权或制售假冒商品的企业列入黑名单,然后把相关资料提供给银行。
In addition, according to the record in Cantonese spoken area, this word has four different character patterns, which show the casualness in the usage of words in Cantonese dialect. 此外,粤语区记录这个方言词有四种不同的字形,反映了粤语方言用字随意性的特点。
The system is able to test various waves including water hammer wave, trapezium wave and sin wave to various test components, In addition to the system can also observe and record fluid pressure, flow and temperature to various point of measurement. 利用该系统可对多种试验件进行水锤波、梯形波和正弦波等多种波形试验,并可对多个测点的流体压力、流量和温度变化进行详细观察和完整记录;
In addition, we have made an intensive study of ME model. We record the change of performance in the circumstance of different tag set or different feature templates or adding language features. 另外,本文还对ME模型进行了比较深入的研究,对比了它在不同的标注集、不同的特征模板以及加入语言学特征的情况下的性能变化。
In addition, we record the experimental data and analyze it. 并对相关实验数据进行了记录分析,充分验证了实验方案的有效性;
In addition, we explain the Struts 'related technique: The configurable exception handles, daily record function, detach page function etc. 此外,我们还对Struts的相关技术:宣称式异常处理、日志功能、分页功能等做了大致的讲述。
In addition, diet intake and life styles were reflected from food frequency survey and 3-day food record. 采用填写膳食频率调查表法和三天膳食记录法调查食物摄入和相关生活方式。
In this paper, we introduce several algorithms of integer addition, substraction, multiplication and division with linkage record in FoxPro based on the memory power of database. 利用数据库的存储能力,在FoxPro中,给出了几个整数加、乘和除运算的连接记录的算法,改进了文献[1]中的结果,使任意位大整数的数学四则运算得以实现。
In addition, the historical books of Tang Dynasty record a lot about the hunting activities. 除了实物资料之外,唐代史料中有不少关于狩猎活动的记载。
In addition, two groups before and after treatment in all accept electrocardiogram and chest radiograph check, record the adverse reaction treatment process, with the two treatment methods of safety evaluation. 另外,两组于治疗前后皆接受心电图及胸片检查,记录治疗过程的不良反应,以对两种治疗方法的安全性进行评价。
In addition, it can dynamically reflect the field services project approval and record the oversea labor recruitment situation. 另外它还能动态反映外派劳务项目审批和外派劳务招收备案情况。
In addition, the confidentiality of patient record data is analyzed, which lays a foundation for the practical clinical application. 此外,对病历数据的安全性进行了认真分析,为实际的临床应用打下了基础。
In addition, 1 new record of Beijing, 4 fonns with multiplicate flowers and 3 forms with white flowers have been found. 2. 此外,发现1个北京新记录、4个重瓣变异和3个白花变异。
In addition, the improved system will record the results and refresh the user-resource evaluation matrix synchronously, which can take full advantage of previous results to increase recommendation precision gradually and then improves the system adaptability effectively. 此外,系统将运行结果记录下来,同步刷新用户资源评价矩阵,使得系统可以充分利用上次运行结果,逐渐提高推荐精度,有效地改善了系统的自适应性。
It realizes the data interflow and the resources sharing among the record management system and other sub-system. In addition, it meets the needs of academic record management and achieves a good application effect. 目前该系统已经在黑龙江大学实际投入使用,实现了成绩管理系统与其他业务子系统系统的数据互通与资源共享,满足了数字化校园环境学学生成绩管理的需要,取得了良好的应用效果。